Music section
Is Busy getting busy wid Gary?
What a way the debate is raging regarding Busy Signal’s adaptation of Phil Collin’s One More Night. It was total drama when Jamaican radio played the song about five times and asked listeners to give their opinions on what they heard.
Just like us they heard “Gary give me just one more night!” Whooi it is totally madness as everywhere we go it is the hot conversation topic these days.
What a way the debate is raging regarding Busy Signal’s adaptation of Phil Collin’s One More Night. It was total drama when Jamaican radio played the song about five times and asked listeners to give their opinions on what they heard.
Just like us they heard “Gary give me just one more night!” Whooi it is totally madness as everywhere we go it is the hot conversation topic these days. Some are cursing the engineer though saying that he should have corrected the error when he had the chance.
“How him fi meck a ting like dat escape when the DJ sey “baby” and meck it sound like “Gary”.
However, the artist’s management is adamant that the word is not ‘Gary’ but ‘Baby’. For a number of weeks persons have been speculating on air and on the Internet over the word they believe is ‘Gary’ in the song’s chorus. On you tube a number of people have also been making comments on the song. Listen to the video below and let us know what you think.
Yuh done know busy a galis, look how him have three woman did pregnant one time fi him at one point,” Signal’s supporter pointed out.
Sometime ago Beenie Man came under the same fire for his song Who Am I with the troublesome line being “How can I make love to a fellow, in a rush,” Beenie later explained that it was all a matter of a comma.
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) rights in Jamaicaare dominated by the prohibition of sexual acts between men. Sexual acts between women are legal, by virtue of the absence of any reference to them in law. Sex between men is punishable with up to ten years jail. Jamaica has been quoted as the worst place in the Caribbean for LGBT people, so why would busy mek a tune calling up ‘Gary’s’ name?
Whosoever shall be convicted of the abominable crime of buggery, committed either with mankind or with any animal, shall be liable to be imprisoned and kept to hard labour for a term not exceeding ten years.
Article 77 adds:
Whosoever shall attempt to commit the said abominable crime, or shall be guilty of any assault with intent to commit the same, or of any indecent assault upon any male person, shall be guilty of a misdemeanour, and being convicted thereof, shall be liable to be imprisoned for a term not exceeding seven years, with or without hard labour.
Article 79 further states:
Any male person who, in public or private, commits, or is a party to the commission of, or procures or attempts to procure the commission by any male person of, any act of gross indecency with another male person, shall be guilty of a misdemeanour, and being convicted thereof shall be liable at the discretion of the court to be imprisoned for a term not exceeding two years, with or without hard labour.
According to Human Rights Watch (2004),
Verbal and physical violence, ranging from beatings to brutal armed attacks to murder, are widespread. For many, there is no sanctuary from such abuse. Men who have sex with men and women who have sex with women reported being driven from their homes and their towns by neighbors who threatened to kill them if they remained, forcing them to abandon their possessions and leaving many homeless.
In addition,
police actively support homophobic violence, fail to investigate complaints of abuse, and arrest and detain men based on their alleged homosexual conduct.
In one gay-hate murder,
several witnesses [said] that police participated in the abuse that ultimately led to his mob killing, first beating the man with batons and then urging others to beat him because he was homosexual.
Amnesty International agrees: “Gay men and lesbian women have been beaten, cut, burned, raped and shot on account of their sexuality”; and gays and lesbians constitute one of the “most marginalized and persecuted communities in Jamaica”. Amnesty gave an example of a recent incident reported in a national newspaper, where a father encouraged a mob to beat up his son, who he suspected was gay, while he looked on smiling. No charges were laid.
While police do not compile statistics on attacks against homosexuals, J-FLAG, the Jamaica Forum for Lesbians, All-Sexuals and Gays, report that they know of 30 gay men who have been murdered in Jamaica between 1997 and 2004.
The violence has prompted hundreds of LGBT Jamaicans to
Recent reported incidents of violence include:
- In February 2007, three men were accosted by a large mob in a shopping area in Kingston and accused of being homosexual. Riot police were called, and they eventually carried the men to safety. There are allegations, however, that the men were also abused by the police.
- In January 2006, Nokia Cowan, a young Jamaican man, plunged to his death off a pier in Kingston after reportedly being chased through the streets by a mob yelling homophobic epithets.
- In April 2006, students at the Mona campus of the University of the West Indies rioted as police attempted to protect a man who had been chased across the campus because another student had claimed the man had propositioned him in a bathroom. The mob demanded that the man be turned over to them. It only dispersed when riot police were called in and one officer fired a shot in the air.
Busy is a long time artist in the reggae game and there is no way he is calling up a man’s name in the track! Jamica’s dancehall industry is not the place to be gay – and call up man’s name on a track . . . You’ll end up DEAD! There are alot of undercover gays in Jamaica and there are plenty of gay people (men and women) right here in the UK. But should it make any difference what a person’s sexual orientation is????
“Yes it does!!! – We were put on this earth to reproduce and you are never goign to make a baby by man having sex with a man!” – But those who qoute these words out of the Bible are doing equal wrongs on a daily basis and commiting sin and aldultery – So isn’t that hypocritical?
Even if Busy was gay – what difference should it make? In the 60’s people were saying the same tings about Black people as what they are sayin about gays now – Bun dem and kill dem!!! . . . . Ber dat in mind next time you call a man a ‘Batty Bwoy’ or a ‘Fish’!.
Being gay will become a common ting in the very near future, as the media and Government force it onto people in the UK. If you don’t like gays – it seems like the UK is not the place to be. The pink industry (gay industry) is very powerful here in the UK – so get used to hearing YMCA, George Micheal and watching Paul O’Grady on TV – or go JA and listen to Sizzla. LOL!!
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