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Rhymically Applied Preaching by MC Metamore
In a U.K hip hop era where “Swag” and “Rep” have become the credentials that make a good rapper, it seems lyricism and storytelling are skills that have been lost in a new generation of black music.
In a U.K hip hop era where “Swag” and “Rep” have become the credentials that make a good rapper, it seems lyricism and storytelling are skills that have been lost in a new generation of black music.
However Birmingham Mc Metamore, doesn’t quite fit this criteria. His often conscious lyrics seem to reflect the struggles of a poet trapped inside a concrete jungle, painting a picture of the chaos that surrounds him. He describes his style as “R.A.P which stands for Rhymically Applied Preaching” and this is clearly evident on cuts such as “Aspen”, “Pain in the essence” and “Rocky roads” which all appear on his new mixtape “Surfing on Soundwaves.”
After supporting U.K rapper Skinnyman last year, on the ‘Smoking band tour’ and opening up for Sway at the Drum, we thought we would holla at Metamore to find out a little bit more about the man behind the music.
Supatrax: “You have quite a different style to most Birmingham artists. Do you see this as a positive or negative thing?”
Metamore: “The way I see it, storytelling is an ancient thing you get me? People sitting around the fire listening to the elders and dat. Words are powerful and I’m bringing the balance cah too many guys hype and promote the poison that kills us. Us man are the cure out here and I like being positive cah i can show my mum n my Nan my tracks cuz there’s no swearing or nothing in them. I was taught that fear has boundaries and love is universal you get me. Most of today’s artists just want to tell us how bad they are so we fear them but I like rappers that connect with us so we feel them! And that’s why I rap from the heart.
Metamore recently moved to London to study artistic development at the British academy of new music, and as we all know, Birmingham’s grime and rap scene is frequently compared to London’s. Artists such as Frantic and J3 have recently taken lyrical jabs at the capital which adds to the speculation that a musical rivalry is bubbling between the capital and the second city.
Supatrax: “What makes London’s music scene different to Birmingham’s?”
Metamore: “in London u have more aspiring managers, ANR’s, CEO’s, and music marketing guys in Brum there too many aspiring Mc’s and not enough people aspiring to make stuff happen and get that BIG behind the scenes money. That’s all we lack but were growing up to it now so the takeovers definitely in full swing. I’m repping Brum hard out there in London”
Even though Metz has rubbed shoulders with some of the U.K’s finest rappers such as Sway and Skinnyman, he still describes Birmingham Mc “Screama” as his favourite artist to work with.
He said: “Screama is my favourite because we both equally outsane as each other and it comes through in the studio fe-real look out for “Rapititus B” our mixtape coming out soon. I defo wanna work with Romo though he’s positive, works hard and above all that he is very talented so look out for him.”
Supatrax: “What was your most memorable show?”
Metamore: “Erm… my most memorable show was Witness’s ‘Your A Star concert’ when I performed at the NIA. (National indoor arena) Yooo there was 5000 people in there and my tune got through to them. My mum was proud still! (Smiles)”
Supatrax: “As quite a knowledgeable man who has experienced life on the other side, what is your message to today’s youth?”
Metamore: “just remember you can either be a product of your environment or make your environment a product of you. Anything’s achievable just plan well and act on your plan ennit … more life yeah godbless”
After signing a contract with ‘Fe-Real management’ last year, Metamore is currently putting the final pieces together for his album entitled “4DI” which will be featuring the likes of; Professor D, Rtillery, Screama and up and coming jazz artist Jason Mcdougall and if his mixtape ‘Surfing on Soundwaves’ is anything to go by, it is definitely a project worth looking out for.
To download Surfing on Soundwaves follow this link: or
Below you will see Metamore alongside some of the Midlands finest artists in the new music video produced by Daniel Alexander- KEEP FRESH RMX – Da track and video is BIG!!!!!!!.