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Killed with 1 punch – Killer gets 4 years!


Pon Street

Killed with 1 punch – Killer gets 4 years!

Jordon_Sergeant100x100Ben Greenhouse, aged 17 of Aldridge, Brandhall, Birmingham has been sentenced to four years detention for the ‘senseless’ killing of 18-year-old Jordon Sergeant, following a row on Facebook about a firework being thrown.

Jordan died after the 17-year-old punched him in the face during a fight on Quinton High Street on March 18 – and it was that fatal single blow, that ended the young man’s life.

Jordon_Sergeant100x100Ben Greenhouse, aged 17 of Aldridge, Brandhall, Birmingham has been sentenced to four years detention for the ‘senseless’ killing of 18-year-old Jordon Sergeant, following a row on Facebook about a firework being thrown.

Jordan died after the 17-year-old punched him in the face during a fight on Quinton High Street on March 18 – and it was that fatal single blow, that ended the young man’s life. Judge William David QC lifted an order which had previously prevented Greenhouse being identified following an application by the Birmingham Mail.

The Judge said that Greenhouse had a record of repeatedly committing gratuitous acts of violence. This argument was part of an on-going argument between crews in the B68 area of Birmingham.

Supatrax has previously asked members of the local crews if the death of Jordon would calm the beef between the local gangs – but the peeps we spoke to showed no remorse and didn’t care for what happened . . . they said: “It was only a punch – he wasn’t meant to die!”.

The judge in Birmingham Crown Court said: “I have to sentence you for the senseless killing of Jordan Sergeant.

“This is you turning on somebody because you thought that they were lying to you. You punched them in the face really hard in pointless anger.”

The court heard how Jordon was supposed to have previously told his killer, via Facebook, that someone had thrown a firework at him.

Ben Greenhouse had seen Jordon with the 16 year old who had supposed to have thrown the firework at him. He put Jordon on the spot, who then denied the allegations about the firework.

This had made Greenhouse mad who then called Jordan a “liar and a snitch”, before hitting him.

Miss Davis prosecuting said that Greenhouse hit him again and after the argument Jordon left to go home and lay down in his bed.

His mother and stepfather made regular checks on his condition, which then deteriorated and he was rushed to hospital where he died the next day. Miss Davis said a post mortem examination revealed he had suffered a depressed skull fracture and a rupture to an artery which had caused bleeding in the brain.

Francis Laird, defending, said that Greenhouse had never intended the “fatal and tragic consequences”.

On Facebook and other Internet forums you will see numerous posts about the joke of a sentence the killer got for taking another person’s life. 4 years in a young persons detention centre (which means, he’ll properly do 2 years, or 18 months) is an insult to the family that have lost someone. Jordon had his whole life ahead of him – and that has been took with a single punch.

It’s something that we all have to bear in mind when we get into an argument or ready to fight . . . What you think is a simple box in a bwoy’s face, could end up taking his life. You hear people talk about knives and straps, but the truth is – a punch can be just as fatal. Ben Greenhouse never meant to kill a man when he boxed him . . . but the fact is – he did! While man are on road talkin the most of big talk and listening to ber hype tunes bout killin, robbing and straight violence – people need to understand the consequence of their actions, dis ain’t no joke ting!

Jordon has lost his life, his family have lost a young man that was meant to live his life and have so much ahead of him – and all because some geeza wants to gwarn like he’s a bad bwoy. Considering that he has killed a man and only got 4 years – It’s a joke – A BIG JOKE, It’s pathetic!, but if a man punched a man – It’s clear he never meant to KILL him! It’s a tragic unfortunate event. If he had meant to kill him, he would have carried a knife, or buss a shot. He punched the man and it was a mistake that will haunt him for the rest of his life (unless he touches road and tries to gwarn like a wicked man again).

Jordon R.I.P – eeeeeidiots in Brandhall and Quinton stop wid da beef ting! . . . What is it REALLY all about???

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