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Black History Month
Black History Month is supposed to be a celebration. A month to enjoy and explore Black culture. But with a race that has been oppressed, and not treated as equal for so long – There ‘IS’ going to be resentment and bad feelings.
Black History Month is supposed to be a celebration. A month to enjoy and explore Black culture. But with a race that has been oppressed, and not treated as equal for so long – There ‘IS’ going to be resentment and bad feelings.
Recognition of black history originated in 1926 by historian Carter G. Woodson as “Negro History Week”. Since 1976, it is celebrated annually in the
Until the study of black history, blacks were absent from history books. Carter G. Woodson established the Study of Negro Life and History in 1915, and a year later founded the widely respected Journal of Negro History. “Negro History Week” was intended to bring national attention to black people’s contributions throughout history.
Akyaaba Addai Sebbo is viewed as the person who set up Black History Month in Britain. Akyaaba worked for the Greater London Council (GLC) and worked with them to establish the event in 1987.
Black history is a very short one. Due to the slave trade a Black person’s history has been stolen from them. In every other culture you will be able to trace back your family tree – but many Africans and especially those in the Caribbean – You will only be able to trace back your family history to a slave master or owner. When slaves were taken from West Africa, they were sold to families in the US and UK and given the name of the family they were working for.
Every year people celebrate Black history in workplaces and schools up and down the UK, often by having a Black history day – which often pertains to cooking jerk chicken, two fish fritters, some curry goat and a few fried dumpling. But is that what Black history is all about? Of course not! That’s why they will have Bob Marley playing in the background or hire some African drummers!!! . . . . There is more to Black culture and history than food and music, AND Black history should be explored throughout the year – not looked at during a month.
There is a sense of anger amongst some Black people, that there is even a Black history month. To them, the fact that special recognition is given to the race and culture, acts as a weak way of apologising for the taking, raping and enslaving of thousands of Africans from the west coast of Africa. Some say that it’s a month that they cram all Black issues and education in to. Meaning, we don’t have to teach Black history all year round, because we do that in October!
Black culture and the word BLACK – is always connected with negative issues and connotations. Black person gets shot, the media HAVE to mention gang culture, for example: “Police are ruling out that it was gang related” – so why mention gangs at all, if there is no connection??
Black is associated with power, elegance, formality, death, evil, and mystery. Black is a mysterious colour associated with fear and the unknown, ie: black holes. (But the same can be said for Black people!). It usually has a negative connotation (blacklist, black humor, ‘black death’). Black denotes strength and authority (Is this the reason Black people are feared?); it is considered to be a very formal, elegant, and prestigious color (black tie, black Mercedes). In heraldry, black is the symbol of grief.
But, Black History Month is supposed to be a celebration. A month to enjoy and explore Black culture. But with a race that has been oppressed, and not treated as equal for so long – There ‘IS’ going to be resentment and bad feelings – Especially the more you learn and know!
On www.blackhistorymonth.co.uk it states the aims of Black history month are to:
During Black history month Supatrax will debate hot topics pertaining to Black culture and history. Enjoy Black History Month and get involved with Supatrax.com – If you have a topic you’d like highlighted email it to: info@supatrax.com