Pon Street
Man went on gun weilding rampage in Birmingham
A MAN who went on a rampage with a gun targeting motorists and a shopkeeper has been handed an indeterminate sentence after being branded ‘very dangerous’.
A MAN who went on a rampage with a gun targeting motorists and a shopkeeper has been handed an indeterminate sentence after being branded ‘very dangerous’.
Birmingham Crown Court heard how Craig Cervi, from Zimbabwe, left one victim believing she would be killed.
Judge William Davis QC, imprisoning Cervi for public protection in a young offenders institution, said he was a dangerous offender and there was a significant risk he would commit further offences and cause harm to members of the public.
He said he had also taken into account Cervi’s admission that he had been involved in gang related violence in Zimbabwe and that he appeared to have no regard for the law. In ruling that he must serve three-and-a-half years behind bars before being considered for parole he described what Cervi had done as “very dangerous behaviour”.
Jason Pegg, prosecuting, said on the evening of June 1 this year motorist Anita Chand was approaching the junction of Crocketts Road and Sandwell Road in Handsworth when she saw the defendant staggering in the road and she slowed down.
“The defendant produced a black-handled gun, held it in both hands and pointed it towards Miss Chand,” he said.
He said the driver, who thought she was going to be killed, reversed before accelerating past Cervi and contacting the police.
Later Harrinder Doao was shutting up his shop when he heard a banging at the front door. Cervi was there wearing a balaclava and attempted to force his way into the premises, said Mr Pegg.
Mr Doao closed the door but Cervi turned and pointed a gun at him, Mr Pegg said.
Mr Pegg said a little later a couple were driving down a road in Handsworth when Cervi ran out in front of them and pointed a pistol at the driver.
The couple were then told to get out of the vehicle and Cervi got in and drove off.
At around 6pm the following day police pursued and then stopped Cervi on the M40 and found an air pistol in the car
When quizzed Cervi said he had been living on the streets, had bought the pistol about three months earlier.
Cervi, 20, of no fixed address had previously admitted robbery, attempted robbery and three firearms charges.
Anthony Warner, defending, said Cervi had come to this country two years ago and had lived with his mother.
However, he fell out with her over his drug use, left her home and matters rapidly deteriorated.