Pon Street
Yardies arrested in Scotland
YARDIE gangsters from Birmingham have been arrested on suspicion of trying to hook Scottish heroin addicts onto crack cocaine.
YARDIE gangsters from Birmingham have been arrested on suspicion of trying to hook Scottish heroin addicts onto crack cocaine.
Thirty drug dealing suspects were arrested in police raids in a red light area of Edinburgh last week.
Cops believe they moved to the city especially to get foothold in the drugs market there.
Thousands of pounds of crack was also seized along with heroin and herbal cannabis.
Hooded men of West Indian origin were seen being led out of one flat after police smashed down the door with a hydraulic battering ram at 6.30am.
Cops investigated their movements for six months along with the help of the council before conducting the raids.
The UK Border Agency also helped detectives as some of the gangsters illegally emigrated to Britain from Jamaica.
Police suspect Yardies were selling crack in parks, as well as from their homes.
And they especially chose to move to the Leith district of Edinburgh, because it is plagued by prostitutes.
Detectives believe the gang intended to build up the lucrative trade around their neighbourhood before attempting to spread their influence across the city.
Six addresses were raided by 100 officers as part of Operation Advance.
Yardie gangs supply most of the crack cocaine in Britain, often using firearms and violence to dominate the market.
Chief Superintendent Gill Imery, Edinburgh’s division commander, said: “There has been a growing awareness during the last year about an increase in the supply of crack cocaine in Edinburgh.
“One of our main motives for the operation has been to take swift action to make sure these people don’t get a foothold established here.
“It’s understandable why Edinburgh may be attractive to drug dealers involved with supplying crack cocaine.
“People from outside Edinburgh shouldn’t be under any illusion that there’s a soft touch approach to drug dealing here.
“There seems to be an impression from criminals south of the border that law enforcement might be different in Scotland.
“Historically, we’ve not seen large seizures and that would indicate there’s not a readily available supply for potential users.”
Jamaican Yardies’ previous attempts to gain a prominent place in Edinburgh were also thwarted.
Two years ago gang members from Wolverhampton were jailed.
Their leader, Andrew Morrison, was sentenced to nine years, while two others got six years each
Taken from: http://www.sundaymercury.net/news/midlands-news/2010/09/26/brum-yardies-arrested-in-scotland-66331-27342772/