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NickiMinajiThis year Santa has packed something very special in his sack, amongst the PS3’s, Xbox 360’s and Barbie dolls lies a present destined to bring a smile to every mans face. A leaked sex tape of Nikki MInaj!

NickiMinajiThis year Santa has packed something very special in his sack, amongst the PS3’s, Xbox 360’s and Barbie dolls lies a present destined to bring a smile to every mans face. A leaked sex tape of Nikki MInaj!

To all you men who’ve been hustling your way through the snow this past week risking your lives, brukking ya neck on da ice or getting bulldozered by the herds of women stampeding through city centres desperate not to miss Primarks Christmas sale. Or for those who have dared the snow to get your pickney and wifey a likkle gift so they got a smile on their face on Christmas morning! Well don’t worry boys cus Santa Claus has vowed to make your dedication not go unrewarded . . . Word outta street is dat Saint Nick was so appalled with Laurence Fishbourne’s daughter’s perfetic efforts to be a porn star that he is leaking the Nicki Minaj video himself so Montanna can see how a real chick gets down.

Just like you, we got excited when rumors surfaced about a Nicki Minaj sex tape circulating out on the internet. So after ‘extensive’ research, and after contacting a few sources, we found the alleged Nicki Minaj sex tape everybody has been talking about.

NickiMinaji350x250The woman in the video resembles Nicki Minaj, but is it really her? We think it is! After doing more research . . . apparently the female in this video goes by the stage name of Alicia Smiles. We watched the video and this girl looks just like a before-fame Nicki Minaj. We did more research (to make sure the info we are giving you was correct!) and we can not find any other videos by Alicia Smiles . . . So it might just be Miss Nicki!!

There is another alleged sex tape of Nicki Minaj with 2 females. We know in past interviews, Nicki has acknowledge that she is bi-sexual, so we will keep you posted on this alleged sex tape also. Be sure to check out our daily blog updates. If you’d like you can do the research and watch the alleged sex tape and judge for yourself if it’s her or not! (or email us and we’ll send you a link – over 18’s only!)

Not surprisingly, a gang of Nicki fans have condemned the rumours and claimed the video is fake and is just a Nicki look alike. Yeah because a chick who got famous by boasting about putting her fairy all over a mans sideburns would never make a sex tape would she . . . come on get real! I just feel sorry for Drake (as him and Nicki are a lovely couple), I bet we see his bitch ass sobbing all over MTV and YouTube, he’s a really emotional little guy.

Look out for the Supatrax sex tapes article cumin soon! We have video and photo evidence of other stars with sex tapes or caught on camera getting involved in sex acts. These include: Movado, Mystikal, Foxy Brown, Snoop, 50 Cent, Kelis – without the milkshake, but guys still cum to her yard, Eve, Ray J getting down and dirty, Method man performing some hardcore . . . rap!, Jay Z and a few chicks get down before when Beyonce was a single lady, Buffy releases dat bumper to chase damage and we also found a 2Pac vid. These are the type of videos you won’t see on MTV! LOL!

Keep it locked to Supatrax for further info or email for links to the videos.


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