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White Dee gets a little Slim Shady


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White Dee gets a little Slim Shady

WhiteDeeRap100x100White Dee, the star from Channel 4 programme Benefits Street has put down some bars while doing an interview on a local radio station in Birmingham. Check out her bars . . . . She rides the Slim Shady track “My name is . . ”  – Maybe should attend a Supatrax MC Lyrics writing course with of of our tutors from Invasion – MC Vader, Hitman or Sox. Vader’s new track about Benefits Street is currently being uploaded to iTunes keep it locked as we go behind the scenes as we film the video.

WhiteDeeRap100x100White Dee, the star from Channel 4 programme Benefits Street has put down some bars while doing an interview on a local radio station in Birmingham. Check out her bars . . . . She rides the Slim Shady track “My name is . . ”  – Maybe should attend a Supatrax MC Lyrics writing course with of of our tutors from Invasion – MC Vader, Hitman or Sox. Vader’s new track about Benefits Street is currently being uploaded to iTunes keep it locked as we go behind the scenes as we film the video.



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