Da UK On-line Urban Magazine

Educating, Serving & Promoting Urban Communities

Supatrax offer a range of DJ Workshops for all ages and ranges of music.Photographing clubs Nationally and Internationally since 2001Supatrax can provide entertainment for youth and school events.Learn radio skills and get involved while providing content for Sticky RadioSupatrax TV are able to show young people how to make videos and creative photography skills

Ya allowed to run ya GUMs (Grown Up Music)

Vadez GrownUpMusic100x100Vadez (MC Vader) is a vet for this grime game, he's been doin his thing for years, respected by thousands across the UK and internationally for his lyrical content he now drops his latest E.P entitled 'Grown Up Music'. The E.P opens up with a big boy track alongside a fellow Birmingham vet and fellow school friend MC Docta. The EP sees a number of guests including Invasion's JayKae & Hazman, Birmingham's rap artist Opiffawana and others . . .


Here is a video taken from the EP - Watch it and then download the EP below:





Click here to download the FREE E.P


Look out for Vader as part of any Supatrax Workshops and accredited Learning & Development courses taking place in Youth Clubs, Schools and community groups across the Midlands and London. Invasion's 'Hitman' also does Supatrax courses, youthwork and sessions. 



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U want the £P's Fam?

Brum to Ibizia

Drum N Bass Father

Kisses for Breakfast

Nobody has to know

Invasion & Stay Fresh

PAYG & Heartless

Don't waste my time

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